Manga: One Piece, Volume 4

A huge boost to be able to read this so quickly after struggling with my first real book (guess that’s why it counts as 0.2 of a book!).  I’ve seen the anime, with English subs, up to a point past the manga I have, and will keep it that way over the challenge, so know the story.  I don’t catch everything by any means, but I do get a lot of the story.  What’s great here is that the series currently has 66 volumes, and is still going, so there’s a huge amount of material with the same level and that uses at lot of the same words, so it’s really good for learners.  Add to that the anime, which as far as I can tell follows the manga fairly closely, and it’s a fantastic combination.  Well, assuming you like pirates!

I plan to read 4 volumes of One Piece this month, and one volume of a more difficult one, but will read a graded reader for learners next.

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